Friday, November 19, 2010

siNginG foR mY Lord

Last nite (29 oct 2010)  i cannot sleep.. it was around heart beating fast n keep on singing "Lord i give u my heart" song.. Then i feel my body become cold.. I Feel like the Holy Spirit surround me..sddnly i hear a whisper.. I know the voice.. It was the voice that whisper to me at the mass last Sunday.. This time He only says"my princess".. oh God.. that was God whisper.. He heard my heart Sing for HIm..

My heart keep on singing.. My eyes was close.. Then i saw a bird.. A white bird.. It was a dove bird.. At its mouth has a small piece of paper but i dont know what have been written on it.. Slowly the bird fly n fly n then disappear from my sight.. Thats how my night last night.. I remember in Jeremiah 29:13 says"And you will seek Me, and find Me, when u search for Me with all your heart... Jesus watching for us.. He wants to talk to us.. but the Question is "Did you want to hear Him???" for me.. Yes!!!! i want to talk with Him.. i want to see Him.. who ever be a good children of Him,will see Him.. seek Him and Find Him with all Your heart n He will come to You..

1 comment:

  1. hi ann...bru sy npk blog ko..hehe...nice blog:).. lets us share the love of God through writing..God bless !!
